🌷 Spring is the perfect time to let your SEA strategy blossom!
Swipe through our post now to discover our top 5 best practices for Google Ads.
💻Keyword research and optimization
✍️Optimierte Create ad texts
🤖Use machine learning & keep calm
💰Use bidding strategies sensibly
📊Using scripts & monitoring: Also discover our blog post on Google Ads scripts
Our Top 5 SEA best practices
Keyword research and optimization
Identifies keywords with relevant search volume and ensures that your ads and landing pages contain these keywords to maximize relevance and increase click-through rates.
Ad text optimization
Use a clear call-to-action and test different versions of your ads. Using {KeyWord:} placeholders, the ads can be dynamically adapted to the search term entered.
Keep calm with ML
Machine learning takes time to become efficient. You should therefore not constantly adjust budgets, tCPA and tROAS.
Using bidding strategies correctly
Start with Maximize Conversions/Conversion Value (depending on your goal) so that Google Ads can collect data on your keywords and target group. Only later (after approx. 30 conversions) upgrade to tCPA/tROAS.
Use scripts & monitor data
Use (free) Google Ads scripts and monitor your data continuously. You can do this directly via Google Ads or use other tools.